
6 keys to Christian Growth

There are 6 keys to Christian growth -- Knowing God, the Spirit Filled Life, Prayer, the Bible, Community (Church), and Reaching Out. Each week for the next 6 weeks, we will look at one of these as our prayer focus.

The first and most important is knowing God. The Christian life is not just a bunch of rules -- it is personally knowing God through Jesus Christ our Savior. There is one true God who created the heavens and the earth and who rules over all the universe. His nature is love; He is just and kind and all powerful.

He sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth so that all who believe in Him as Savior could be forgiven our sins and have the gift of eternal life. If you have sincerely prayed to ask Jesus Christ into your heart and life as Savior and Lord, you are a Christian. This means you are a child of the King!

Once you have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord, you should try to know Him -- and know about Him -- as much as possible. God is now your heavenly Father and He loves you very much!

1 条评论:

Emma.He 说...

The book must be interesting!
I would like to read it.