
Slogging in darkness

Recently, I am busy for Preparing the entrance test of Ph.D. Time is not enough for me to review the Linear Algebra, Probability, Pattern Recognition and English curriculums.I don't know whether I can pass it or not. Many classmates have got a job in this month. They work in the day and relax in the dark. They can do everything that they want to do. In fact, in the last month, I had a good job chance that I can work in the New-Auto Company as a programer and the boss promised to give me a pretty good wage, however, I give it up for the entrance test. I don't know my choice is right or wrong. Now I feel regret bit. sigh... Slogging in the dark, I still don't know which way is right. Loneness always haunt me. No one help me, no one accompany me. Only me is in here.
