
All About Eyes: Once He Caught My Eye It was Love Everlasting

When it comes to relationships, people’s eyes can be a window into their hearts. This means that their eyes can tell a lot about howthey feel. We will tell a story about a man and woman who are teachers at the sameschool. The woman is interested in the man. She uses many methods to catch his eye, or get him to notice her. Once he sets eyes on her, or sees her, she might tryto get him interested in her by acting playful. In other words, she might try to make eyes at him or give him the eye.

Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, thewoman has a strong affect on him. He wants to spend time with her to get to knowher better. He asks her out on a date.

She is so happy that she may walk around for days with stars in her eyes. She isextremely happy because this man is the apple of her eye, a very special person.She might tell him that he is the only person she wants, or “I only have eyes for you.”

On their date, the couple might eat a meal together at a restaurant. If the man isreally hungry, his eyes might be bigger than his stomach. He might order morefood than he can eat. When his food arrives at the table, his eyes might pop out. He might be very surprised by the amount of food provided. He might not even believe his own eyes. If fact, all eyes would be watching him if he ate all the food. This might even cause raised eyebrows. People might look at the man with disapproval.

During their dinner, the couple might discuss many things. They might discover thatthey see eye to eye, or agree on many issues. They share the same beliefs andopinions. For example, they might agree that every crime or injury should bepunished. That is, they firmly believe in the idea of an eye for an eye. They might also agree that it is wrong to pull the wool over a person’s eyes. This means to tryto trick a person by making him believe something that is false. But the man andwoman do not believe in the evil eye, that a person can harm you by looking at you.

The next day, at their school, the woman asks the man to keep an eye on, or watchthe young students in her class while she is out of the classroom. This might be hardto do when the teacher is writing on a board at the front of the classroom. To do so, ateacher would need to have eyes in the back of his head. In other words, he wouldknow what the children are doing even when he is not watching them.
