

John 14:6
(Author: Wesley. Corrected by Ming.Z)

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.NKJV

Recently USA TODAY published an article titled, "Believers OK with Many Paths". In it they reported on a survey done by the Pew Forum of the religious beliefs and practices of 35,000 Americans. One of the statistics showed that a majority of Americans (70%) believe that many religions can lead to eternal life.

Webster's New World Dictionary defines religion as "belief in and worship of God or gods". Is there any wonder then why there is such diverse ways promoted in this world today on what path to take to God? One first has to determine what god he or she is wanting to take a path to. How confusing.

However, the God of the Bible and our Creator certainly knew all about this divergence and that is why He gave us His handbook, if you will, so we would know, without a doubt, which path to take. In fact, He makes it clear all throughout the Bible that He will provide the way. We can see this starting in the story of Noah when the ark was built and before the flood that destroyed the world at that time. He provided to those who would believe in God the way out of that tragic event. One will also will note in that passage that there was only one door in the ark by way one could enter it.

Again we see this consistency of "only one way" in the deliverance of the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. God provided these believers in Him one path of escape, and that path being created through the Red Sea with the non-believers being swallowed up by that same sea. Then as the children of Israel were ready to leave their wanderings in the desert, God provided that one way through the Jordan River and into the "Promised Land". No other path was provided.

All of these natural deliverances were leading up to God showing us the one and only way to be with Him in Heaven, because He love us and wants us to enjoy that eternal relationship with Him. God, therefore, even came down to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ to tell us Himself what that way would be. That is why Jesus said in John 14:6, "...I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Jesus wasn't being exclusionary. His invitation is open to everyone who believes He is the path to our Father in Heaven.

Personally, I am very thankful Jesus has provided the way to heaven for my household and me and all who believe in Him. Otherwise I would hate to have to stand before Almighty God and tell Him I deserve to be in Heaven. How presumptuous and arrogant on my part that would be. Hopefully, and my prayer is, that everyone will accept Jesus' "way", so that no one will be left behind like those of Noah's day.
