
My Journey

2008/April/10 cloudy
(Author: Wesley. Corrected by Jessica & T.Zhang)

Last night, my friend Zhang told me that she had a boyfriend. However, she didn’t tell me the guy’s name.

Zhang is my good friend, but not my girlfriend. She has applied to an American University (I forgot the name of University) and has been admitted with a full scholarship. If everything goes well, she will go to Texas next year for advanced education.

Zhang told me, her boyfriend got his Master’s degree from University of California, Berkeley, and he wanted to study at University of Princeton for his Doctorate degree next year. After that he wants to be a professor in a university.

Now, I am very happy that Zhang has a good boyfriend. She told me that the guy is very nice and has a good temper. She also told me that he is a little older than hers! The age difference does surprise me.

I know that age shouldn’t play a big factor in a marriage, but I think his age is much greater than hers, which doesn’t seem right to me. I don’t know how to express my feelings into words.
